These 11 famous Hollywood stars died in 2022

These 11 famous Hollywood stars died in 2022

Recently, a number of big names from Hollywood have passed away and this is of course sad news. Below, we take a quick look at the directors/actors who are no longer with us as of this year.

Despite the fact that actors Ray Liotta and Bob Saget also died at a very young age, the death of the talented French actor Gaspar Ulliel was the biggest shocker.

11 well-known directors/actors who died in 2022
Below the names are already dead in 2022, and here are definitely a number of big names from Hollywood who will surely be missed.

Bo Hopkins84 years old (American Graffiti, The Wild Bunch
Bob Saget65 years old (Whole House, Fuller House
Estelle Harris93 years old (Seinfeld, Toy Story 2

Gaspard Uliel37 years old (Hannibal’s Rise, Moon Night
Evan Reitman75 years old (Ghostbusters, twins
James Can82 years old (The godfather, the sprite

meatloaf74 years old (Show pictures of Rocky Horror, Fight Club
Ray Liotta67 years old (Goodfellas, Hannibal
Sidney Poitiers94 years old (Lillis of the Field

Tony Sirico79 years old (Sopranos, good comrades
William Hurt71 years old (Spider Woman Kiss, Captain America: Civil War

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