There is nothing in The Christmas Interview with Mark Root

There is nothing in The Christmas Interview with Mark Root

Yes, we are “a very sweet country”

Kef kef Wouter de Winther, press officer for the written media department at the VVD, climbed back into the lap of Mark Rutte in the year Christmas article In De T., and they book that under “Interview”. And you can imagine that Wouter was nothing more than Professional tablecloth in Jinek. Double-whammy range between Rutte and Wout0rrr: that we still know what happened in Munich in 1938 (Hitler). That this is not a Kaag-I locker (it is). That the VVD gives five billion for defense (after years of cuts). This is not 10,000, but 200 refugees per week who come to the Netherlands as a result of the Turkey agreement (Much more, here a file). That Mark Rutte still finds his job very (nice) honorable. That he says nothing of his successor Edith Schippers (read: Sophie Herrmann was weighed in and found willing). And that we are a very sweet country. everybody. sweet. A country where everyone gets a little poorer while we sell our donkeys to Brussels behind the station and shiploads of asylum seekers line up in front of the application center for Mieles plugs in plugs, dear country. Leading Interview Water!

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