The Volt Council terminates the membership of Representative Gundogan | the interior

The Volt Council terminates the membership of Representative Gundogan |  the interior

The Volt Council wrote: “Nilufer was informed of this decision earlier this evening.” “Nilufer can still appeal the decision to the Dispute and Appeal Committee.” The party makes it clear that during the time Gundogan can object, her membership will be suspended.

“We can imagine this excites a lot for you,” the board of directors writes to Volt members. “It was not an easy decision for us. We are so sorry it had to come this far. But the Volt has its values ​​and we have to maintain those values.”

The stumbling block to the conflict is reports of Gundogan’s aggressive behavior.

According to thirteen journalists, the deputy was guilty of several things including scratching, intimidation, and sexual advances. For this she was first suspended as a party member, and then expelled from the group. Subsequently, Gundogan filed defamation and defamation charges against the notifiers and appealed their suspension. The judge agreed and delivered a big slap to the party’s fingers: the faction had to take it back and pay the deputy’s compensation.

Party leader Laurens Dassen and Gündoğan will initially sit down with a mediator. But then it turned out that Gundogan refused to withdraw her complaints against the correspondents, as the head of the party demanded, but will expand. The board of directors and party leader Dassen then decided to expel the famous MP Gundogan from the group.

In a crowded episode of the podcast Unfiltered with Kitty and Elif It is about the “group of virtues” in eV. Can the party manage its principles?

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