The United States is looking for gas for Europe in the event of a war with Russia

The United States is looking for gas for Europe in the event of a war with Russia

One-third of the gas used in the EU comes from Russia. In addition, part of the pipeline between Europe and Russia passes through Ukraine.

The energy crisis intensified

If Russia’s gas supply is cut off, for example due to sanctions or war, or Russia shutting down a gas pipeline, the current energy crisis will intensify.

It will cause economic problems, but also provoke social unrest, Americans fear. In recent months, many European countries have protested against rising gas prices.

Prolonged use of gas fields

The U.S. government has asked energy companies to provide extra gas quickly in the event of an emergency, according to Reuters. The Americans wanted to know how long gas fields could be in use, for example postponing maintenance of installations and whether energy suppliers had options to increase their exports.

However, sources say that companies are not optimistic that it will be possible to replace Russian gas with the current tightness in the gas market.

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