The tax authorities are facilitating the payment of tax debts for entrepreneurs

The tax authorities are facilitating the payment of tax debts for entrepreneurs

According to tax attorney Diane Jansen, the biggest problem is that entrepreneurs can’t go to tax court in this case. “And I do not think that it is possible. They have no legal protection, while this possibility is laid down in law and must only be introduced by royal decree, until it comes into force on October 1. But Foreign Minister Villebrev continues to delay this.”

Tax attorneys are talking about the so-called fiscal simplification law of 2017, which MPs Rinsky Liejten (SP) and Peter Umtzigt (CDU) (at the time CDA) also approved in February of this year. Parliamentary questions In the context of the wildcard scandal.

outdated system

According to Jansen, this law will not be introduced because the IT systems in the Tax and Customs Administration are outdated, including the collection of taxes and allowances.

If desired, the Ministry of Finance will inform you that legal protections for citizens in disputes over payment deferrals and tax exemptions have already improved as a result of the 2017 Financial Streamlining Act, but they are not yet able to implement the law in its entirety.

This fall, the department will announce when the law may go into effect.

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