The shocking story behind the Netflix series El Caso Asunta | RTL Street

Het schokkende verhaal achter de Netflix-serie El caso Asunta

The six-part series tells the story of a missing person’s case in Spain that occurred in September 2013. Rosario Porto and Alfonso Pastera reported the disappearance of their adopted daughter Assunta. A few hours after the report, their daughter was found dead on the road. And then comes the twist. She is under the influence of lorazepam, a drug her mother uses to treat anxiety, and is showing signs of choking.

The parents were arrested as suspects a day after their daughter was discovered. It turns out that this is not the first time Assunta has been under the influence of a drug. In addition, surveillance photos showed that the mother was not where she stated in her testimony.

The case caused a sensation in Spain and received great media attention. In 2015, just over two years after Assunta’s death, her parents were found guilty of her death. According to the judge, they drugged and suffocated their twelve-year-old daughter. They were each sentenced to eighteen years in prison.

After seven years in prison, Rosario was found dead in her Spanish cell in 2020. It was determined that she had committed suicide. Alfonso remains in detention and should be released in 2033 according to his sentence.

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