Hoeveel verbruikt je koelkast?
- Een koelvriescombinatie met energielabel B verbruikt zo’n 120 kWh per jaar aan stroom. Een model met label E verbruikt 230 kWh: bijna twee keer zoveel. Dat scheelt jaar in, jaar uit 110 kWh per jaar. (Bron: Milieu Centraal)
Zi ookTips om te besparen op je energierekening
What temperature should you set on your refrigerator?
It is important to have a constant temperature of 4 degrees in your refrigerator. “At this temperature, produce spoils less quickly, and bacteria hardly grow,” says Van der Vossen.
Many people do not know how cold their refrigerator is. “Last year, we asked five hundred consumers what the temperature was in their refrigerator,” Van der Vossen says. “We sent a thermometer. The average temperature measured by the participants was 5.6 degrees.” There were also refrigerators where the thermometer indicated 7 degrees. ‘Just a little too warm to store food.’
More Refrigerator Saving Tips
- Don’t make your refrigerator work unnecessarily hard. Do not place it near a hot appliance such as an oven or dishwasher. Leave at least 10 cm between the refrigerator and the wall to allow the heat to dissipate.
- Let the leftovers cool out of the fridge first. It happens quickly if you put the pan or bowl on the bottom of cold water. On the contrary, it is better to thaw frozen products in the refrigerator. Then the cold helps cool the refrigerator.
- Defrost the freezer section of the refrigerator or freezer regularly. With a layer of ice, the freezer or freezer compartment uses more energy.
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