The previous government’s support for Ukraine amounted to treason

The previous government's support for Ukraine amounted to treason
Robert Fico

Noos News

The Slovak government will investigate the previous government and Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad. The previous government donated combat aircraft and an air defense system to Ukraine. The current government believes that this puts citizens in Slovakia at risk.

“I am convinced that Nad has betrayed Slovakia,” says current Secretary of State for Defense Igor Melicher. “Therefore, the Ministry of Defense files a criminal complaint on suspicion of sabotage, treason and abuse of authority.”

Nad previously said that he had done nothing wrong at all and that he would make the same decision again.

Former Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov told Reuters that Nad was “proactive and professional” during his time in office. “He always made sure that Slovaks were safe in their homeland.”

Right wing

Last year, Robert Fico of the SMER party won the country’s elections. He is following a different path from the previous pro-Western government: upon taking office he announced that he would stop military support for neighboring Ukraine. This is partly what is happening: paid-for weapons are still heading in this direction.

Under Fico, the country’s rule of law is increasingly eroding. Last month, Parliament passed a law that could significantly restrict media freedom. Slovakia’s public broadcaster is undergoing a major overhaul because, according to Prime Minister Fico, it is hostile and undermining the country.

The Slovak Prime Minister was shot dead last May. He accuses the opposition of attempting assassination.

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