“The meter and a half scale has already exploded, but the cancellation is symbolically significant.”

“The meter and a half scale has already exploded, but the cancellation is symbolically significant.”

By the way, the rule of one and a half meters sometimes seems to be practically omitted. Dijkstra sees all this around him in shops, on the street and on public transport. Just like Flemish virologist Marc van Ranst crossed the border. “This rule has broken down. Where some people used to keep their distance almost religiously, you will now notice that everyone is getting close to each other.”


Ruti stressed that there is no relaxation without risks At the press conference. This also applies to the intention to delete the distance rule from September 20, if all goes well. From then on, the mouth mask obligation is withdrawn, which is still in effect on public transport, for example.

“I think this combination is a risk in public transport,” van Ranst says. According to him, ventilation and air conditioning are in sufficient order in new trains and buses. But for long distances in old buses that do not have enough fresh air, there is a higher chance of contamination. Especially if passengers do not soon have to wear a mouth covering or keep a distance.


People in particularly at-risk groups will not endorse this, as they are more likely to become seriously ill after infection. However, the virologist understands the cabinet considerations. As long as the final verdict depends on circumstances, such as hospital occupancy, infection rates, and especially the vaccination rate.

Van Ranst: “You don’t know what’s going to happen in the fall, but there will come a time when politicians will say: We’re officially going to stop these ground rules. Whether it’s wise to do it now, you can take an incredibly long time. Discuss.”

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