The list of potential successors for Boris Johnson goes on and on | Currently

The list of potential successors for Boris Johnson goes on and on |  Currently

The list of potential successors to Boris Johnson is constantly growing. Since Thursday, British Prime Minister take off It was announced, that nine candidates have already registered to replace Johnson, according to British media. who are they?

Johnson is stepping down as prime minister and leader of the Conservative Party, but he wants to do the duties of prime minister this summer so he knows who will succeed him. As expected, there are many interested parties willing to take the lead.

This is how the next Conservative elections will take place

  • Interested parties can run for elections if they are supported by at least eight party members.
  • Then the voting rounds begin. After the first round, candidates who receive less than eighteen votes are disqualified.
  • In the second round, all candidates with less than 36 votes are disqualified.
  • After that, the candidate with the fewest number of votes on each ballot paper is eliminated. This process is repeated until two candidates remain, and a decisive ballot follows.

Sajid Javid and Jeremy Hunt

The last two announcements were made by former Health Minister Sajid Javid and former Health Minister and Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt. They announced their participation in the race in separate interviews with the British newspaper Sunday Telegraph.

Both candidates are discussing lower taxes by drastically lowering corporate income tax from 25 percent to 15 percent. Additionally, Javid wants to scrap the Social Security increase and Hunt will focus on businesses.

Rishi Sunak

With their plans for tax cuts, Javid and Hunt are completely opposed to former Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak. Sunak, who was the first to run for office, said tax cuts would have to wait until the British economy recovered. The budget Senk drafted last year as finance minister will herald the heaviest tax burden since 1950.

Sunak’s departure as Treasurer caused an outcry within the British Cabinet, eventually forcing Johnson to resign.

Sunak is one of the favorites of British bookmakers, but people are not always fans of it. The relief measures he started at the start of the Corona pandemic were praised, but were later criticized for not providing enough financial support to the middle class.

Les Truss

On Saturday, various media reported that Secretary of State Liz Truss is running for the election. mail on sunday She wrote that she will start her campaign on Monday and that she has promised to cut taxes and the cost of living.

Grant Shaps

Transportation Secretary Grant Shapps also wants to become prime minister. he said to Sunday times He wants to focus on the recovery of the economy. For example, he wants to tackle the effects of inflation and the energy crisis by cutting taxes on low incomes and offering state aid to energy-intensive businesses.

In any case, Shapps will not call a new national election if he is elected by his party.

Nadim Zahawi

Nadim Zahawi was appointed finance minister this week after Sinak stepped down. Newspaper independent On Saturday, he wrote that he is under investigation by the British tax authorities, an agency of his own administration. However, nothing is suspected.

Sky News He writes that Al-Zahawi will formally run on Monday, but cites Al-Zahawi’s speech that would indicate the candidacy: “The tax burden is very high. As a businessman and businessman, I know that lower taxes contribute to a healthy and dynamic economy. Under my supervision, taxes will be lower for individuals families and businesses.

Kimi Badenoch

Former Deputy Equality Minister Kimi Badenouche is also running for election. Badenoch made on Saturday in a British newspaper times She announced that she would be a candidate. She writes: “I am moving forward because I want to tell the truth.” Badenoch resigned last week over the way Johnson is doing his job.

also Tom Tugendhat And the Suila Braverman They announced their intention to run for leadership elections.

One of the candidates, Ben Wallace, just announced that he will not participate. The defense minister wrote on Twitter that the choice was not easy, but he wants to focus on his current job as defense minister and protect the country. Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab is also not running for elections.

Conservative Party leadership elections

Any party member supported by at least two deputies may stand for election. After a few rounds of voting among the deputies, two candidates remained. It would then allow all members of the Conservative Party to vote on who would become leader and prime minister.

The duration of these leadership elections varies. Theresa May became prime minister within three weeks, because all her opponents withdrew. In Johnson’s case, it took two months to beat Hunt in 2019. The new prime minister doesn’t have to call a new election, but he does have the opportunity to do so.

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