The House of Representatives wants clarification from Minister Adema, after the fertilizer policy was not clear

The House of Representatives wants clarification from Minister Adema, after the fertilizer policy was not clear


NOS News

Why did Minister Adema not inform Parliament earlier about the problems surrounding the dung policy? This is the most common question in discussion with the Minister of Agriculture. Deputy VVD Van Campen speaks of the “vicissitudes of government”, and PvdA member Tijssen wonders if Adema has sometimes failed to appreciate the seriousness of the situation.

Dutch farmers have an exceptional position in European fertilizer policy, the so-called exception. And for another few years, they will be allowed to spread more manure than farmers in most other countries. In contrast, the phasing out of the restriction should begin on January 1, 2023 in order to make surface waters cleaner.

It became Monday through NOS It is known that the minister was aware of the European Commission’s request to start at the beginning of this year, and not only from 2024, as Adima wanted. If this does not happen, the Netherlands is in danger of completely losing its exceptional position.

conscious decision

MP D66 De Groot stated that the government had failed. Holland has deferred him.” MP Copps of the PVV party who announced a motion of no confidence in the minister was even harsher in his words. “Only when the filth on the marble can no longer be kept secret will we have the information.”

Brussels warned Adema with a letter in mid-December that the Netherlands should start on January 1, 2023. “Why were we not informed?” asks Van der Plaas, a member of the House of Representatives from the BBB. Was that a conscious decision? Thyssen: “Or does he not see the seriousness of the letter?” By the way, the minister yesterday I already inform you be sorry.

Van Campen (VVD) pleads with the minister that he has allowed farmers to maintain hope that 2023 will be a year of transition, while he knew Brussels would not agree to it. “The VVD is tired of the vagaries of government that farmers are facing again.”

Crazy driving days

GroenLinks MP Promet told GroenLinks that agriculture ministers are always looking for goat tracks in Europe. She cites the atrium surrounding fishing as an example. “The Netherlands is always looking for the limits of what is still possible.” A number of MPs have expressed concern that Adima is now working on this again.

The minister suggests that farmers start measures from March 1 to clean ground and surface water. “And I see that you can spread animal manure from February 16,” notes de Groot. “If we’re not careful, the days of crazy driving will be between mid-February and March 1st.”

PvdA member Thijssen suggests playing it safe and introducing stricter rules soon. He fears that the European Commission will still demand that the rules become effective on February 1, or even retroactively on January 1. “Then the farmers will be in trouble again.”

Minister Adema will speak later this afternoon.

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