The fragile Donnie conquers hearts: “Man, happy if you say three times a week” | to watch

The fragile Donnie conquers hearts: “Man, happy if you say three times a week” |  to watch

Outspoken rapper Donnie (27) won the hearts of his colleagues and many viewers last night France Tower. His childlike enthusiasm and gratitude for the little things particularly impressed other artists. “I fry three times a week and then I’m happy.”

Donald Sklowski’s constantly smiling eyes, as Donnie’s real name, grew wet. Memories appeared on the sidewalk in front of the parents’ house in Amsterdam. To his Swedish father, who was rarely around his whole life. To his mother and grandmother, who raised him together. And for his brothers and sister who he likes to be around him.

Presenter Frans Bauer asked what he loved most about his childhood here, who took him to special places in his life for the RTL 4 program with five of his colleagues. “Open mind,’ said Donnie. “Being with everyone. Those moments with my brothers when we were young.”

Speech fell silent for a moment. “He’s doing something to you, isn’t he?” said France, who caught him a short time later. He asked, “Did you miss it?” Then the emotion was audible in Donnie’s voice. “Yes,” he made it short.

Watch a video where Donnie talks about the difficult relationship with his father:

convertible scooter

For the rest of the show, the smile can’t be erased from his face. Donnie said that as a teenager he had a convertible in his head, because his motorcycle didn’t have a roof. Typical Angela Grothwizen said.

“Whatever you have, you can turn into something you crave. I really love that about you.” He’s a kid in a ‘very big candy store,’ according to France. “You love everything you see.”

In Amsterdam, the stars enjoyed an energy drink, just as Donnie used to do. © RTL

The rapper didn’t know what to do with compliments. “I think it’s good that you all say something, right. I love it, I enjoy it,” he smiled. He enjoys the smallest things. “I see a lot of rappers eating caviar,” France said. “And you have your motorbike,” Donnie agreed. It doesn’t need more. “I fry three times a week and then I’m happy.”

With his attitude and musical talent he will go far, as predicted by Danny de Monk. “This is just the beginning of all the big things you’re going to get.”

France Tower Yesterday it attracted 535,000 viewers, which is good for its 17th place in viewership numbers at Stichting KijkOnderzoek. Unlike most days, it was NOS . News From 8 pm (1.3 million viewers) is not the most watched program of the day. Football match between Ajax and Besiktas RTL 7 attracted a little more people interested, close to 1.5 million.

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