The Chamber wants to impose a ban on “fine” energy supplies

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The House of Representatives wants to eliminate the additional costs that more and more energy companies impose on individuals who supply energy generated by solar panels to the electricity grid. According to the energy companies involved, the costs associated with feeding have increased and should not be fully distributed to all customers, but should be passed on to customers who have solar panels.

NSC MP Postma said in Radio NOS 1 News That such a “fine” should be banned and that it receives support from its future coalition partners PVV, VVD and BBB, who form a majority in the House of Representatives. Postma finds it strange “that when gas and coal-fired power plants are running, but the sun is shining and there’s a lot of sustainable energy, that sustainable energy comes at a price.”

“The danger of families extinguishing panels”

According to her, there is a risk that households will then turn off their panels for a period of time and not return that energy to the grid. She believes that energy companies must create more capacity if there is more electricity on the market.

Postma emphasized that many people have invested in solar panels and are participating in the energy transition.

The netting arrangement disappears

Furthermore, the coalition parties agreed in a deal last week that the netting scheme will disappear all at once in 2027. Through this scheme, solar panel owners can offset the energy they supply with the energy they buy from the electricity grid.

According to Postma, it was always clear that the netting arrangement would not be sustainable in the future. She doesn’t actually think this arrangement is fair to people who can’t afford to put solar panels on their roofs. She added that this method also costs taxpayers a lot of money.

Outgoing Minister Cetin previously had a plan to phase out the netting system, but the Senate rejected that at the beginning of this year. If the House has already banned the “resupply fine,” the Senate must also approve it.

Yo-yo politics

Energie Nederland, the trade association for energy companies, is not happy with the NSC’s plan. President Cora van Nieuwenhuizen calls the policy “unstable.”

The industry says energy suppliers charge fair costs to solar panel owners for providing them with electricity. Otherwise, these costs must be borne by all customers.

Van Nieuwenhuizen is also disturbed by the plan to abolish the netting system by 2027: “We realize that people can no longer follow it; there is a yo-yo policy. It is urgent that there be clarity.”

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