Team17 acquires shooting rights to WW2 Hell Let Loose – Gaming – News

Team 17, the well-known publisher of games from the Worms series and Overcooked games! , among other things, has all the rights and assets From the game Hell Let Loose. This is a shooter in a World War II environment that is all about realism.

Team17 reported They will initially pay £31 million for the rights, which is over €37 million. The total amount of the acquisition can go up even more, because under certain conditions it will be added from 5 to 15 million pounds. The latter depends on whether certain undisclosed sales figures are achieved over the next two years. This means that the total amount of the acquisition can be converted to 55 million euros.

Team17 says the takeover means Hell Let Loose won’t be 3rd party-Address is but a the first side-nickname. The company said the acquisition makes it possible to further expand intellectual property rights and franchises. He specifically mentions that the acquisition will allow to extend the life of the game, including more downloadable content and ongoing support. Also, Team 17 says it will explore “potential successors” and seek other business opportunities for Hell Let Loose to maintain the franchise’s long-term growth.

Developer Black Matter, through founder and CEO Max Rea, says this acquisition is the next logical step. He says it will also allow developers to continue providing “great content” to the Hell Let Loose community.

In June 2019, the game was released for Windows as Early Access; The game was finally released in July of last year, and in October the title was also available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, and X. Team 17 says Hell Let Loose now boasts over six million owners. The publisher also contributed to the development and was actually responsible for publishing the game.

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Hell Let Loose is a tactical first-person shooter set in World War II. In addition to photography, it is also about communication, coordination and therefore cooperation between different the difference.

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