Taylor Swift’s music video edits after online criticism, word ‘fat’ no longer appears in photo | show

Taylor Swift's music video edits after online criticism, word 'fat' no longer appears in photo |  show

Taylor Swift’s new music video has already been edited five days later. The scene where you step on a scale and the word “fat” appears is no longer visible in the clip. The singer came under some criticism last week for the video.

Taylor Swift looks according to variety In the new clip on Apple Music, it’s no longer in the balance, but a likeness of itself with a disappointing look. The distorted scene can still be viewed on YouTube.

Last Friday came a clip against the heroTaylor Swift’s latest single. The singer herself describes the video – which is full of metaphors – as “a sketch of her nightmares and intrusive thoughts”. She sees a giant monster taking up (too big) space with her friends and how her future children squabble over their inheritance.

Similar…a similar person

The clip has already been viewed more than 33 million times, but it has also received negative reactions. This mainly relates to one specific scene: the one where she steps on a scale that tells her she is “fat”. To the side, her likeness looks on disapprovingly.

distorted scene. © Vivo

Critics took to Twitter to express their displeasure. For example, one wrote: “Picturing obesity as a bad thing, as something to be feared, is inexplicable. The fear of obesity is the beginning fat phobia. Having an eating disorder doesn’t excuse you from this, even if you’re Taylor Swift.


The writer points out Swift’s problems with her body image and eating behavior. In the documentary Miss Americana She was open about it for the first time, and I also talked to her later variety about her eating disorder. When I first appeared on the cover of a magazine when I was 18, the headline was ’18 Pregnant? “I was wearing something that didn’t make my stomach look flat,” she told the magazine at the time.

Despite the criticism, Taylor Swift broke up a day after releasing her tenth album midnight Already register. No record aired much on the first day after release in the history of Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. Although it is still unclear how many streams Midnights became the most streamed album on the first day after release, it is known that the record is currently #1 in 90 countries on the Apple Music streaming list.

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with Johnny de Mol this week, Khaled Kassem’s interview with Dirk Bolt, the André Hazes documentary, and Kamp van Koningsbrugge with famous citizens. Listen below or subscribe via spotify or Itunes.

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