Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II Coming to Nintendo Switch June 8 – Games – News

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords is coming to Nintendo Switch on June 8. The 2004 RPG port is provided by Aspyr Media, which specializes in ports and does more with KotOR titles.

port It will also be called Restore content Get it as a free DLC bundle. These are parts of the game that didn’t go into the original game, but there are traces of them in the game data. In 2015, came a modern For the Windows version of this game cut content He’s back in the game. The game costs €12.49 at the Nintendo eShop.

Knights of the Old Republic II is an RPG that features d20 قواعد rules From dungeons and his dragons statistics handles. The player takes on the role of an expelled Jedi. This Jedi confronts the person who has sent him out of order and this person gives the player the task of tracking down the last Jedi in the galaxy to fight the Sith. At this point in history, the Jedi have almost been exterminated. The game is known for having a lot of shades of gray in terms of morals. His predecessor was more black and white in this regard.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, or simply KotOR 2, was created by Obsidian Entertainment and was their first game. It’s also the game studio behind Fallout: New Vegas, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Tyranny, The Outer Worlds, and more. The Obsidian founders came again from the original Fallout creator Black Isle Studios. Today the studio belongs to Microsoft.

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Aspyr Media also released KotOR I for the converter last year, as well as KotOR I and II for Android and iOS. It works on KotOR . remake For PS5 and PC.

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