Sony Pictures CEO calls new Uncharted a ‘hit movie franchise’ – Games – News

Thomas Rothman, CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, described the newly released Uncharted movie as a success. He sees the film as the beginning of a new franchise. This makes the arrival of more Uncharted films a logical step.

Rothman writes in a note that Seen by deadlineThe film grossed $100 million worldwide in its opening weekend Audience Rating on Rotten Tomatoes up to 90 percent. The CEO talks about the great success of the whole company and assures that the classic model of filming in the cinema still has a future.

Specifically, nothing is known about the further Uncharted movies yet, but the end of the first movie contains teasers that may indicate a sequel. Director of Part One, Robin Fleischer. He said in a podcast on Deadline He had “high hopes” for the sequel.

Uncharted was released on February 18 in the US and a week earlier in the UK. The film was supposed to be shown in Holland and Belgium at the time, but the Dutch release was pushed back to March 17. The film can be seen in Belgian cinemas since last weekend.

According to Deadline, the film has grossed $139 million worldwide so far. This means that production costs of $120 million have been recovered. Critics are less positive about the film than Rotten Tomatoes users. on Metacritic The score stands at 47 points. The user score on this website is 6.6. On the IMDB website The movie has a score of 6.7.

The movie Uncharted is based on the PlayStation games developer Naughty Dog. The project has taken a long time to really take off. Various scenarios have been written since 2009, but they have been constantly changing. Six managers left the project

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