Sony opens online stores to sell PlayStation consoles in the Netherlands and Belgium – Games – News

Sony began offering consoles through its Direct website in the Netherlands and Belgium. However, PlayStation 5 is not available in both countries. There is also no possibility to reserve a copy or register in a waiting list.

Sony’s Dutch and Belgian websites have both been up and running since Monday. playstation netherlands Twitter Reports That users can buy “different products” there and displays a picture of the consoles.

Playstation 5 is available in both versions Dutch as in Belgian The web store is not in stock. It is not clear when stock will be available. There is no function to receive notification about this nor can you make a reservation or sign up for a waiting list. PlayStation 4 and accessories such as consoles can be ordered.

Sony has been selling game consoles in the US for some time through the Direct website. There, the company maintains a waiting list for PS5 buyers. Sony opens this queue for a short time at certain times. It is not known if such a system will also come to the Benelux.

Sony announced in May that it plans to To start selling consoles in the Benelux. This was evident from a presentation to investors. Last week Sony opened a Direct store in Germany and it turns out that Benelux locations will follow soon. Nintendo and Microsoft have been selling their consoles through their own web stores for some time.

High demand and constant shortage

The PlayStation 5 was released a little over a year ago and is hard to come by due to the constant shortage of chips and high demand. Sales are the same as the PlayStation 4 in the similar period after release, but there hasn’t been much shortage of this console.

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According to Bloomberg, Sony will produce in the coming months due to a lack of chips 1 million copies less from PlayStation 5 than the company previously estimated. Thus, production in the period from April this year to the end of March next year will reach 15 million units instead of 16 million units. Sony has previously indicated that it expects the console It will also be difficult to obtain next year.

PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5

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