Sony: Microsoft may introduce bugs in PlayStation Call of Duty version – Gaming – News

You may not be against MS, but you’re reacting a lot from Sony’s point of view and trying to back that up with weird arguments.

You write without any evidence that Microsoft is busy taking Sony off the market, again without any evidence…

Don’t forget that Sony is the dominant party in the market in this case, Microsoft has already made a large number of commitments to the competition in connection with the acquisition of Activision, for example on keeping content available on competing platforms. No one will deny that it can be annoying for Sony Playstation owners if XBox or Windows becomes the main platform for Activision games, but on the other hand. Everyone is free to buy MS Game Mode. This is how the market works. If you want to play Forza Motorsports, you need an MS ecosystem. If you want to play COD later with all the content available for it, you will also have to choose MS. If you’re settling for less, you can still do so with a product from Sony’s stables.

In short, there is still a choice, a free choice….but a choice that has consequences.

Anyway, I think Sony’s stance on acquiring Activision is a bit childish, let them focus on producing good content to compete with.

Market fringes should not look so much at the competition, look more at your own strength, and thus differentiate yourself… Subscription like Gamepass. Sony needs to innovate now.

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