Sony announces several PlayStation Plus subscription models

Following previous rumors, the loud word has now been officially announced: Sony check PlayStation Plus comes with three different subscription plans that vary in price. Sony PlayStation has just released all the details via the PlayStation Blog, indicating that the renewed service will be launched in June.

What was already expected is already the case, Sony will combine PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now into one service and three levels will be available: PlayStation Plus Essential, PlayStation Plus Extra and PlayStation Plus Premium. For convenience, we explain all three variants.

Playstation plus essential

  • 2 free games per month
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Cloud storage to save games
  • Online multiplayer access
  • Price: €8.99 per month / €24.99 per quarter / €59.99 per year

Playstation Plus Extra

  • 2 free games per month
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Cloud storage to save games
  • Online multiplayer access
  • More than 400 PS4 and PS5 games you can play for free
  • Price: €13.99 per month / €39.99 per quarter / €99.99 per year

PlayStation Plus Premium

  • 2 free games per month
  • Exclusive discounts
  • Cloud storage to save games
  • Online multiplayer access
  • More than 400 PS4 and PS5 games you can play for free
  • Stream PS3 games via cloud games
  • A catalog of original PlayStation, PS2 and PSP games for streaming, as well as download
  • Game experiences, which allows users to try out games before buying
  • Price: €16.99 per month / €49.99 per quarter / €119.99 per year

The first version, PlayStation Plus Essential, is just as the service is now known. On top of this comes PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium, which provide PlayStation Now built-in and thus also include true classics from previous generations.

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The PlayStation 5 games included directly with the release are Death Stranding, God of War, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Mortal Kombat 11, and Returnal. In addition, Sony works closely with its studios and third parties to replenish the library regularly. In other words: Sony is following Microsoft and its Xbox Game Pass in this way. The only difference seems to be the lack of first-party addresses on the first day with the service.

PlayStation Now will cease entirely as a standalone service after the launch of these new subscription plans, as it will be integrated into PlayStation Plus. Existing subscribers will automatically get PlayStation Plus Premium at no additional cost while their PlayStation Now subscription is still active.

With a release planned for June, we’ll have to wait and see when it’s our turn, as the rollout will take place in phases starting with Asia, followed by North America and then Europe. The goal is to have it go live by the end of the first half of 2022.

Sony hasn’t discussed upgrade options, but it is expected that in the near period of release it will be possible to increase your existing subscription in terms of tier at an additional cost. As soon as the release approaches, Sony will announce more details.

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