Song Festival update: Presenters skip rehearsals and S10 is 11th to perform | right Now

Song Festival update: Presenters skip rehearsals and S10 is 11th to perform |  right Now

The starting positions of all participating countries are known, and with this arrangement they made their first rehearsal for the Eurovision final today. S10 is the eleventh on the podium, after Spain and ahead of Ukraine. The singer’s voice was good, while the work of the presenters still left something to be desired. My name is Lara Zefenberg and I will update you on the day before the final.

The opening positions are always a topic of discussion during the Eurovision Song Contest. There’s already a reaction in the first draw: Most of the winners come from the second half, so you really want to sit there. In this sense, the S10 is unlucky, because it is in the first half. We hear the eleventh singer. Duncan Laurence won while singing at number 12, so anything could still happen. One thing is for sure: for the S10, it’s good that Romania, not her, started in second place, because no one has won that place in the past 66 years.

The S10 looked fine during the first workout. Even though she performs between two favourites, the singer stays with you: Chanel brings the dance Slovakia Mo and the Kaloosh Orchestra Stefaniaallowing for a good variety of what comes before and after the S10.

Serbia climbed up after last night at the bookmaker and that means the Netherlands drops a place in the rankings for the first time in weeks. The S10 now ranks tenth, after Norway. But after today’s rehearsal and tonight’s jury show, anything can happen.

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Tonight is an important moment for S10: so professional juries in all countries are handing out points. This means her fate has already been decided halfway through the night around 11:30 p.m. Viewers are allowed tomorrow to vote In the end, all these points are added together.

Top 3 places and prestige in the Netherlands according to bookmakers

  • 1. Ukraine – Kalush Orchestra – Stefania
  • 2. UK – Sam Ryder – Spaceman
  • 3. Sweden – Cornelia Jacobs – Bring me closer
  • 10. Holland – S10 – Depth

The final starts on Saturday with Give peace a chance by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. It had already been previously announced that peace would become an important topic during the Eurovision Song Contest due to the war in Ukraine, but aside from Mika and Laura Bossini’s mix, it wasn’t very apparent during the semi-finals.

Bossini wasn’t there at the start of the rehearsals. Presenter Alessandro Cattelan told the press that the singer and presenter was doing well, but had to take a break. Mika was there, but he left before the rehearsal actually started. Someone from the production had to fill in a lot of rehearsal for him. It shows how this year is going: Jan Smit, Edsilia Rombley, Nikki de Jäger and Chantal Janzen did all the exercises themselves.

Which is almost unbelievable, but the participant from Sweden again had technical problems. Cornelia Jacobs started singing hold me closeThe music started, but the sound stopped again. And that makes the singer the biggest unlucky person of the year near the end: for her so far, the rehearsal hasn’t gone without problems.

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