Solar Magazine – USA: Solar panels less than 50 percent installed due to import tax evasion investigation

Solar Magazine - USA: Solar panels less than 50 percent installed due to import tax evasion investigation

In the United States, 46 percent fewer solar panels will be installed this year and next, as a result of the U.S. government’s investigation into import tax breaches. This was stated by the trade association SEIA.

The trial began at the end of March Import tax evasion on solar panels and solar panels imported from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia. This is after the American company Axin Solar Request and Inquiry for Enforcement Had submitted.

24 GW peak
Since then, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has been conducting research among its supporters on the impact of the government investigation. As of early April, more than 90 percent of companies pointed to the ministry’s activities A serious or devastating impact Is in their business decisions.

Three-quarters of U.S. solar companies say the distribution of solar panels has been canceled or delayed since the Department of Commerce launched an investigation into tariff evasion, rising to 80 out of 730 companies surveyed. According to a new analysis by SEIA, the peak of 24 gigawatts of already planned solar panel installations will not be realized in the next 2 years; Established throughout 2021 rather than the United States.

100,000 jobs were lost
“If the new tariffs are imposed, 100,000 US solar workers will lose their jobs in an instant and we will lose all hope of achieving President Biden’s clean energy goals,” said Abigail Rose Hopper, SEIA President and Chief Executive Officer. “This is a huge loss to our nation and industry.

In total, 318 projects suitable for 51 gigawatts of peak solar capacity and 6 gigawatt hours of connected batteries will be canceled or delayed. In addition, US $ 52 billion in private investment is at risk. In addition, 70 percent of respondents report that at least half of their solar and storage staff are at risk, and more than 200 companies say their entire staff is at risk.

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