I see an almost monthly notification of a Total Commander update, and that “there is no known price”. License price 44.77 euros
I didn’t have time to delve into this. The above price for TC includes the price (Value Added Tax) for this file manager within these low cost countries.
Often there is a price in the text of the introduction, often, for example, for a “light” and “full” version.
However, these prices are within the program part Not associated with Pricewatch. Therefore, it will remain constant, unless manual change is necessary (and thus persistent –at least daily– Succession). Regarding the latter, the DifficultTotally predictable today:
– Dev/vendor does a (sudden) action – xx% (and extends if necessary – this fact can happen almost indefinitely with some software, as was the case with a variable % discount at the top) – so it’s not limited to, on Example Black Friday/Monday mail event.
– Levels / Versions. Total Commander has 1 (fixed). But the software scene often knows next one Perhaps several versions within the same program, and also at the same time equivalents with subscriptions (price depends on payment in installments) + (if lucky) Another lifetime purchase opportunity. Which in turn Again May be related to temporary offers…
– the third point comes immediately to enter the *breakpoint*; Get started!
TL; DR: You will see the same “no known price” tone with all the programs in meuktracker. So above is the full picture of why.
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