Should we be worried? –

Should we be worried? –

A descendant of the delta variant was discovered in the UK, which has been named AY4.2. Scientists believe that the new mutation is more contagious than the delta variant itself.

According to the first research results, it is “the most infectious strain of coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic.” The variant will already be responsible for 10 per cent of British infections and will be 10 to 15 per cent more contagious than the original Delta variant.

latest news asked virologist Marc van Ranst To highlight his view on ominous messages from across the channel. “At the moment, it’s not yet clear what we should really think about,” van Ranst says. “It’s about a ‘variable of interest’ within a delta variable, not a ‘variable of concern’ yet. Every country is checking that now.”

Van Ranst assumes that vaccines simply work against AY4.2. And besides: you can not turn off such an alternative anyway. “There’s no point in being afraid of the arrival of a new big variable like Delta, because that’s just happening,” says Van Ranst. “It’s the most natural thing in the world. Viruses that don’t evolve are doomed to disappear. It’s their brand, they’re constantly changing. However, most changes lead to nothing. Then they disappear again. Other changes lead to less fitness and these variants will go away.” Certainly. There are still other changes that lead to more fitness and these variables will continue in the end.”

Bronn (nen): HLN
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