Scout Plasterk will be speaking to the PVV, BBB, VVD and NSC tomorrow

Scout Plasterk will be speaking to the PVV, BBB, VVD and NSC tomorrow

Wilders himself will be the first to join us tomorrow at 11am. NSC’s Peter Umtzigt will be Plasterk’s final discussion partner at 3 p.m.

Last week the Scouts received almost all of the intended faction leaders and it was proving difficult to reconcile their wishes.

Plasterk announced on Friday that he needs more time for the exploratory phase and therefore will not be able to report on Tuesday, December 5, as he had previously hoped. He intends to do so next week.

In the coming days, the scout will speak with some of the intended party leaders. They will then have the opportunity to respond to each other’s input. It is not known whether Plasterk still wishes to discuss with parties other than those mentioned.

This still seems to be a difficult puzzle for Plasterk. The VVD does not want to be in government, and Peter Omtsigt of the National Security Council explained that he had difficulty with the positions contained in the VVD’s election manifesto. According to him, these matters cannot be reconciled with the Constitution, and he first wants clarity on this matter:

The VVD is only willing to support the alliance Wilders wants as a tolerant partner. Alliances with GroenLinks-PvdA – the second party in the election – are not clear.

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