Samantha Stenwick needs work

Samantha Stenwick needs work

It looks like Samantha Steenwijk’s new single hasn’t got any offers for her yet, because an email Juicechannel received shows her looking for work. “Her booking office even goes to events that are no longer happening.”

Samantha Steenwijk has received a lot of criticism in recent days. Samantha, who hates juice channels, shared a post on Instagram last week hinting that it went through between her and Daisy. She then declined questions from the media who wanted to hear both sides.


Followers believe that the singer drew attention to her new song in the wrong way and announced it collectively under the announcement of her new song. “Just felt sorry for you. I thought for a second pathetically, how sad you must be. No, just paying attention to the criticism,” one follower replied.

Looking for a job

And although Samantha thought she was smart about getting more attention for her new song, so far it’s had little effect. In fact, an email from her booking office shows that the singer is looking for work. ,, On 09-03-2021, the “Uit Full Chest” event was held. Samantha Steenwijk performed at the event. Can we do something for you again for the remake? Maybe Samantha Steenwijk can do another performance,” says the email Juicechannel shared on Instagram Stories. “Samantha looks a lot for gigs since her booking office went to events that don’t happen anymore,” she jokes.

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