Russia gets a broom from the top of the army, according to Britain, also replacing the “Butcher of Syria” | Currently

Russia gets a broom from the top of the army, according to Britain, also replacing the "Butcher of Syria" |  Currently

Russia is making changes to the military leadership, according to British intelligence services. At least seven generals are said to have been relieved of their duties in the past month. Among them is Alexander Dvornikov, who is known for committing atrocities against the civilian population of Syria, among other places.

Dvornikov has served in the Russian army since 1982. He participated in the Second Chechen War, among other things. After several senior positions, the 60-year-old general took over in Syria in 2015. His job was to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his fight against the population during the country’s civil war. He was awarded a high military honor by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2016.

Dvornikov was appointed military commander in Ukraine, according to US intelligence services, due to the disappointing results of the Russian invasion. However, the Kremlin would like to change course again. Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov, who was in charge of the Air Force, will also be replaced.

British intelligence officials say Colonel General Sergei Surovkin is currently leading the offensive in southern Ukraine. Russian forces are pushed into a defensive position in the region by a counterattack by the Ukrainian armed forces.

Surovkin has served in the Russian Army since 1987 and has held various military positions since then. The British wrote that he is known for his brutal tactics and is implicated in several corruption scandals.

Russia is close to the complete capture of Luhansk

In the east, Russia is getting closer and closer to the complete capture of the Luhansk region of Ukraine. The city of Severodonetsk is as good as it was captured. Military experts doubt that the nearby small town of Lysichansk will fall soon.

Ukrainian Governor in Luhansk Serhiy Gaidai called on the Ukrainian armed forces to withdraw on Friday. According to him, it is not useful to defend an area almost completely controlled by the Russians.

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