Rumor: Sony wants to buy Square Enix | News

Rumor: Sony wants to buy Square Enix |  News

Rumors, rumors and more rumors

written by Gary Clapwick in

According to new rumors, Sony wants to acquire Square Enix.

This is reported by Greg Miller on PS I Love You (via Forbes† Miller says he’s heard that Sony is trying to buy the Japanese publisher. It’s unclear what stage the acquisition will take and if it can ever go ahead, and Miller notes that we should treat the rumors with caution.

Square Enix has come last week In the news after it sold several studios and IP addresses to Embracer Group. Embracer Group has deposited $300 million to Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal and Square Enix Montreal. With that said, IPs like Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Thief, and Legacy of Kain are no longer in Square’s hands. Soon there were voices that Square Enix was selling these studios to make them more attractive to potential acquisition.

This isn’t the first time that Sony and Square Enix have been linked. Jeff Grob, a journalist for Gamesbeat, reported a rumor about Sony and the Japanese developer. Well, I’ve said this a thousand times but there’s always someone who hears it for the first time: We never get enough information about acquisitions to report them with any certainty. Sony’s purchase of Square Enix was the big rumor but I can’t confirm it. ,” he tweeted.

Nothing has been officially announced by Sony or Square Enix yet.

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