1/1 Mobility scooter is prohibited
Rosetta Splinter from Rosendaal is both surprised and disappointed. Due to a muscle disease and lung problems, she rides a moving motorcycle. On Thursday it was rejected at the local Asian Toko. Reason: It’s on a moving motorcycle. “It hurts, it’s about my leg.”
There is a sign on the shop window that says “Scooters are prohibited”. Rosetta didn’t see it, so she drove to the store.
“This is discrimination against people who cannot walk”
After she put a few things in her cart, she came to the cash register. “The owner harshly told me that I am not allowed into the store at all. Mobile scooters are prohibited. I have never tested this before, and it is absolutely not allowed by law.”
A day later, Rosetta was especially disappointed. “This discriminates against people who can’t walk or have a chronic illness and therefore can’t use their legs. I’m dependent on this machine, otherwise I can’t go to town.”
“I didn’t refuse my lady, I refused that scooter”
Soval is the owner of the shop that opened three weeks ago. “I did not refuse my lady, I refused that scooter,” he began. “I’ve had someone on a scooter break everything in my shop before.”
His solution for people who can’t shop anymore: Give me a note and I’ll get your groceries taken. But this is not a solution for Rosita: “I want to be able to look at what is out there and what I want to buy. I do it in Jumbo, in Albert Heine, but not in your face.”
“Am I the head of my own store?”
At first Soval does not believe he may not refuse a scooter under the law. “I don’t know. I’m the boss in my own store, right? I can decide for myself who and what goes in?” but that Faculty of Human Rights He says something else.
Rosita understands Sophal’s concerns and doesn’t want to destroy him or his business. It basically wants to create awareness. “You’re making people with disabilities, people who use wheelchairs, depend on you now,” Rosetta tells Soval. “You don’t see it that way, but just sit on my chair for a day. I’m totally done with it.”
“I just didn’t get it right”
While Rosetta is posing for a photo, the shop owner comes out. Come to apologize. “I quickly glanced at the law. I’m not really allowed to turn down a scooter. Everyone is welcome. Sorry to everyone I turned down, I didn’t get it right.” The “Scooter prohibited” flag has been removed immediately.
So it solved. This is also over for Rosita, but shopping at the Toko Tropic is not an option at the moment. “I won’t bring my groceries here at the moment. His apologies are good, glad the sign is gone, but he should have done so much earlier.”
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