“Renzi Klammer must hit the table with his fist to save his career” | Displays

“Renzi Klammer must hit the table with his fist to save his career” |  Displays

AD Media podcastThe regular media panel was not in full force this week: a note of absence was delivered by media reporter Mark den Blanken due to the Song Festival (in this podcast from AD Media Podcast, you will find several podcast specials entirely dedicated to the Eurovision Song Festival). But the above does not mean that opinions are less diverse.

First of all, Renze Klamer, who is in such straits with his talk show now that fellow RTL star Luuk Ikink is publicly attacking him for his interview style. The committee is looking for a lifeline for the sympathetic presenter to turn things around, because if no one saves Renzi, his talk show career will be hopelessly lost. Angela de Jong: Renzi Klammer must hit the table with his fist to save his career!

Moreover, a look back at the first week of Nadia Mosaed’s talk show (in two words: not good), which is final traitors A final appeal for a nomination for Tweak Nipkow’s to here Because of another great episode including a parody of Charles Groenhuizen and Margie Fix. And Lash but not least: Documentary filmmaker Gertjan Lasch poses with his NPO 2 document Germans In Angela’s window.

I listen! to downloads AD Media podcast, in which TV columnist Angela de Young and reporter Dennis Jansen discuss all major, fringe, and peripheral issues in media. The show is in the hands of Manuel Winderbos. Do you prefer to use your favorite podcast apps online? Spotify or apple? Which can! Find all of our podcasts at ad.nl/podcasts.

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Renee Clammer.
Renee Clammer. © RTL

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