Rare Apple 1 prototype up for auction, highest bid now: $278,000

Rare Apple 1 prototype up for auction, highest bid now: 8,000

At the American auction house RR Auction, a Rare Apple 1 prototype sold at auction. The item is expected to fetch more than $500,000. You can bid until August 18th; The highest bid at the time of writing is $278,000.

The prototype has a description of “Apple Computer A” on the circuit board, with the year: 1976 below. The board is said to have been welded by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and used by Steve Jobs to give the Apple 1 to The Pit Bull Terrell store owner. Byte was one of the first computer stores in the world, and Steve Jobs planned to sell the Apple 1 there as a $40 DIY kit. Paul Terrell had a better idea: he offered the assembled computer for $666.66. Apple has changed forever.

Computer A is the second prototype of the Apple 1 and, until recently, was considered a lost device. The similarity to Polaroid photos from 1976 confirms its authenticity. The current owner acquired the prototype from Steve Jobs while Jobs was out of the company (late 1980s).

The prototype is damaged here and there, and some parts are missing. However, with bids as high as $278,000, it appears to be achieving a lot already. A total of 46 Apples are sold at auction, although they are essentially documents signed with several hundred dollars in bidding. Except for the sealed first generation iPod, which is now $2,500 and is estimated to go for $20,000.

RR . Auction

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