Radio Veronica fined for too much talk and media appeal

Radio Veronica fined for too much talk and media appeal

Radio Veronica has been fined for DJs talking too much and not broadcasting enough music. Owner Talpa lodged an objection to the fine amounting to €60,000 per month.

Radio Veronica has had the so-called stipulated license since 2003. On this basis, the radio station must broadcast music 85 percent of the time between 7 am and 7 pm every day.

The Communications Agency, which issues the permits, concludes that Radio Veronica is not complying. It was investigated after a complaint from KINK, which aims itself at a FM frequency In the new distribution of 2023.

“Veronica has to pay this penalty,” says a RA spokesperson. Initially, this amount is now €60,000, but now this amount can go up to €60,000 per month.

According to the spokesperson, Veronica suggested the 85 percent music hit when she wanted to get on FM at the time. This was later included in the permit. “If the station doesn’t stick to the percentages, it will tarnish the competition with stations like Radio 538, Qmusic and Sky Radio.” These channels are free in the ratio between music and spoken word.

A spokesperson for the Talpa Network said Radio Veronica objected to the proposed sentence. “According to their calculations, we do not comply with the rules of our clause. We do not agree with this.” The Radio Communications Agency is now dealing with the issue.

Talpa Network has previously filed an appeal against redistribution FM frequencies for commercial radio stations. The verdict in this case was delivered on December 13.

It is not yet known if Economic Affairs Minister Miki Adriansen has included strict rules that radio stations must adhere to in her plans for new FM distribution.

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