Pride Day: Alberto Linero sends message of support for diversity – people – culture

Pride Day: Alberto Linero sends message of support for diversity – people – culture

This Monday, April 28, International LGBTIQ + Pride Day, Retired priest Alberto Jose Linero Gomez, Send a message of support to homosexuals In which he “Diversity is God’s invention“.

The journalist shared a quote he initially posted on his Twitter account, posting it on his Instagram account, a social network with more than 1.2 million followers.

The message was considered by many examples of respect and acceptance.

(read more: Is it true that celibacy puts a burden on priests?).

No one, because they are different, has less dignity than others, in which we are all equal. Although we are different in our characteristics, it is because we are so created. I can say that diversity is God’s invention“The 52-year-old retired religion wrote.

With the release of Instagram, which was the most influential priest in the Colombian media, “Diversity is certainly synonymous with wealth, never with contempt or violence“. In turn, he called everyone Build from love.

(You may be interested in: ‘God Loves Us All’, Message from Alberto Linero to Claudia Lopez).

(See if you read us from the app Here Linero’s drill).

Linero He belonged to the community of Judaism Fathers for 25 years, so it is not surprising that many of his followers are very much in tune with the word of the Bible. Some were offended and pointed out that “man and woman are God’s creation.”

“They have respect and love, but I should not be proud. It contradicts the creations and majesty that God has given us.”, “The Bible clearly states that man and woman created them.” God created “, some comments read in his Instagram post, which is almost 20 thousand ‘I like’.

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However, others praised the message: “I know that God loves us all, that He loves me, and that He does not judge me to love those whom I love.”

(Recommend that you read: Alberto Linero should be tested for Covid-19).

There is no less dignity than others because they are different

This is not the first time a retired priest has come out for the protection of the LGBTI community. In September 2020 he wrote a A message against Mayor Claudia Lopez after a gay attack against him.

Blessings, Claudia Lopez. God instructs you to follow Bogot. God loves us all. Encourage. (Acts 10,34), ”Linero wrote.

(What else: Pope writes letter of support for Jesuit defending LGBT community).

In September 2018, the then pastor confirmed in an interview with Blue Radio and in the El Herald newspaper that he had been asked by the Catholic Church. Priestly rest After 25 years of serving the community.

I have been associated with the church community for the last 33 years of my life, I was a happy boy, and there is a lot to thank the church of the Utist Fathers. I was whole, but today I understand that I want to experience other things in my personal lifeLinero told the radio station at the time about the reasons for his retirement.

(Continue reading: With a giant flag, the LGBTI pride celebration began in Barranquilla).

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