Peter van der Furst responds to Anouk’s strong statements | stars

Peter van der Furst responds to Anouk’s strong statements |  stars

Administrator is late Show news Learn about her “robbery” with Anuk’s Instagram message, in which she announced her resignation. You didn’t tell us anything in advance. The formulation you used was also violent, especially for anyone who did so in good faith the sound Work.” According to Van der Forest, Anuk did not answer her phone until the next day. “In that conversation, feelings rose, but we also shut it down well. We prefer to focus on more important things around us the soundLike, the investigation is still ongoing. Moreover, communication with Anuk has always been excellent.”

at Quinn and Sander Show Anouk said on Radio 538 on Monday that he found the “lack of communication” worrying. When asked if she would return as a jury member on a show like the soundShe had to fail to answer. “I don’t know if I’d like to work with them again, but a big broom should run through this shop first. But the fact that I haven’t heard anything yet doesn’t bode well either.”

“good bond”

According to the singer, it must first be discussed with everyone to see if and how it can be improved. “I think no one has been informed and there is no longer a conversation.” red flag† Because if you don’t talk, you won’t get any better.”

According to Anouk, van der West would have said in their last conversation that they had to go out together because of their “good relationship”. “But we don’t have that at all,” Anok knows. “I’ve seen that guy three times. We’re just having a business meeting. I thought that was a little weird. I said, dude, just keep the waffle shut. You’d better start against those guys who can’t keep their penises in their pants and not against me.” That I never spoke to anyone again.”

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