Pepijn van Houwelingen (FVD) angry at municipalities waving the SDG flag: “Not nice!”

Pepijn van Houwelingen (FVD) angry at municipalities waving the SDG flag: “Not nice!”

Forum Democrats Member of Parliament Pepin van Holingen believes it is completely absurd that municipalities do not proudly wave the Dutch tricolor on September 23 – Flag Day – but the flag with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. “I don’t believe in that!” he is writing. Because FVD’ers “reject vile globalization”.

The Twitter account of Gemeenten4GlobalGoals is proud to announce that on September 23, all types of municipalities will participate in this “Flag Day”. pride Waving the flag with VNL’s social development goals. Those are the sustainable development goals Very controversial because it is associated with the Great Reset. It requires a complete reset of the way we live, both in terms of wealth and energy.

In fact, it is fair old communism, but in a modern jacket – a jacket that goes further than ever in terms of density and privacy violations. Because the communist regimes of the past could only dream of technology that (will be) at the disposal of governments now.

Pepijn van Houwelingen (FVD) is angry at municipalities waving the SDG flag:

Therefore, FDP Member of Parliament Pepijn van Houwelingen is not at all pleased with this SDG project.

“I don’t believe in that!” respond He was fanatical about the communist appeal. “We reject vile globalization and this disgusting flag that symbolizes it. So raise our Dutch flag on September 23 and hang it upside down because our country is in need!”

Pepijn van Houwelingen (FVD) is angry at municipalities waving the SDG flag:

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It’s really just that. Things are going wrong with the Netherlands. The country is being decimated – in part due to pathological agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals.

If the flag is hung on September 23, it should be our tricolor… then upside down.

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