People who have been vaccinated are as likely to get Omikron as those who are not vaccinated

People who have been vaccinated are as likely to get Omikron as those who are not vaccinated

Fully vaccinated individuals are nearly as susceptible to Omikron infection as unvaccinated individuals. who appears from Danish search. The mutation in the new variant is so effective that it cleverly bypasses the previously configured immunity. The same research shows that people who get a booster injection are less likely to test positive for Omicron.

Unlike the Netherlands, for example, in Denmark, the variant responsible for corona infection is accurately recorded. Earlier, Danish data from South Africa contrasted with Omicron’s having a milder course of the disease: in Denmark there appears to be little new alternative. More frequent hospital admission He suffers. It should be noted that the demographics of Denmark are very different from that of South Africa.

In the Netherlands, Omikron currently accounts for about 10 to 15 percent of infections. This was announced by RIVM President Jaap van Diesel. It is also expected that the new alternative will be dominant within a few weeks. Even if the complaints are already milder than the delta variant, Omikron could put a greater strain on the healthcare system, simply because the more contagious variant leads to more patients.

RIVM hopes that 90 percent of hospital admissions can be prevented with a booster dose. The Dutch reinforcement campaign began with little hope in this regard. Not only was the Netherlands the last to start in Europe, but the GGD also suffers from a variety of problems. From overburdened phone lines keeping people from making an appointment, until another Tuesday morning big hiatus As a result people in line can’t be helped to get a shot either. There is a large backlog of RIVM sending invitation letters, which arose as a result of the acceleration of the promotion campaign. As a result, many people over the age of 60 who are entitled to an injection before Christmas do not receive a letter of invitation. RIVM announced that it does not intend to increase its pace.

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