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Pension funds are still in good condition despite huge losses and pension increases Economie
وفقًا لرئيس مجلس إدارة PME إريك أوجين ، من الصعب توضيح أن المعاشات التقاعدية يمكن أن ترتفع بشكل كبير نظرًا للخسائر في سوق الأسهم. "لكن التزاماتنا انخفضت بشكل أسرع (بمقدار الربع تقريبًا)" ، كما يقول Uijen.
Krijg een melding big nieuws hierover
Funding ratios show limited impact of investment loss
Funding ratios, the ratio between cash and funds needed to pay all pensions now and in the future, also show that pension funds are doing well.
The five largest pension funds finished 2022 with a funding ratio well above 100%. With a financing ratio of 100 percent, the funds have exactly 100 euros in cash for every 100 euros in future retirement benefits.
Dekkingsgraad for pensioenfonds (eind 2022)
- ABP: 110.9 percent
- PFZW: 109.2 cm
- PMT: 106.8 percent
- bpfBOUW: 122 points
- PME: 110.4 percent
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