Orange in the Argentine camp: “I was worried about their safety” | internal

Orange in the Argentine camp: “I was worried about their safety” |  internal

Royal visit to the Argentine camp Relmu Lafken. Last Sunday the Oranjes family rested there for a few relaxing hours in the beautiful nature. “This visit gives us extra strength.”

Camp owner Patricia Montenegro was stunned on New Year’s Day. Suddenly, a few large cars and dozens of people, including security guards, appeared there. On the edge of beautiful Mascardi Lake, the Orange Team suddenly report upon receiving their campsite. She didn’t realize at first that it was about oranges. “But I realized that the celebrities were arriving, because suddenly there were a lot of people around the entrance.”

Conflicts about camping

Camping Relmu Lafken is a place run by Lof Wiritray, the so-called Mapuche community. The Mapuches are the indigenous people of large parts of Patagonia in southern Argentina. Patricia says proudly, “We have a multicultural campsite where we tell all kinds of things about our history and our ancestors.” People from all over the country come to her camping site. And now also a royal visit from our country.

, I would have welcomed them more widely, but we didn’t know anything. We’re very proud to have the Royal Family here, especially because we’ve seen quite a few conflicts in the region over the past five years. “The fact that such an important character as Máxima appears gives us extra strength,” says Patricia. Camping Relmu Lafken is located 25 kilometers south of Bariloche, on the northern side of Lake Mascardi. This is close to where there have been many disputes since 2017 over land expropriation and illegal settlements.

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“We are a peaceful society”

The camp site took the oranges – including the three princesses – to a beautiful part of the land, where they spent a few hours. “I don’t know what they did there, because I want to ensure their privacy. But they undoubtedly walked quite a bit in the beautiful nature we have here. I was worried about their safety as there were many other people in the camp at the time. But fortunately it went well.” Because we are a peaceful society. It was a very special day for us.”

Maskardi Lake.

Maskardi Lake. © Peter Scottin

Rebel princess

Earlier, many Argentine media outlets reported that the royal family is spending their holidays in Argentina, the home country of Queen Máxima. Among other things, due attention was given to the party-celebrating Princess Alexia – the “rebellious princess” as she is called here – who was going to the exclusive Tequila Club in Buenos Aires. The royal family was also at Villa La Angostura, where Martin Zorreguieta – Máxima’s brother – runs Tinto Bistro. There the family stayed at the highly secured Comlin estate, where former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) also owns a home. Macri and his wife are good friends of Orange.

Karas magazine with Princess Alexia on the cover.

Karas magazine with Princess Alexia on the cover. © Peter Scottin

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