Opinion polls: Emmanuel Macron re-elected president of France | abroad

Opinion polls: Emmanuel Macron re-elected president of France |  abroad

The current head of state scored a slightly larger victory than expected. But this result does not mean that more than half of the French support him. A large part of them especially wanted to keep Marine Le Pen out of the Elysee Palace. The left-wing voters who put a bill on Emmanuel Macron’s bus often did so reluctantly. In addition, only 72 percent of voters attended.

The real support for Macron can be read from his result in the first round: 28 percent. He got 5 percentage points more than in 2017. He owes this increase to his performance as a “crisis leader”: the French believe he has coped well with the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

Support from third parties

In addition to poor voter support, parliamentary elections in June could pose problems for Macron. Perhaps the majority at La République en Marche are only there. But a re-elected president will need support from other parties. Deputies from the classic right-wing Republicans and the Green Party have already announced their desire to join him, but they do not want to join his movement. The head of state fears that this will lead to the creation of a “mixed” group that will not provide him with sufficient stability.

Even with a majority behind him, Macron can wet his chest. He wants to start immediately with a controversial pension intervention, which he did not receive during his previous term. The president believes that the French should work until the age of 64 instead of 62. Marine Le Pen did not intend to change this age, Jean-Luc Mélenchon wanted to go back to 60. Together, they hit 45 percent in the first round. If all the French bad guys and the unions unite, the country can prepare for massive demonstrations and strikes.

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Anger continues to burn

In the first round, six out of ten voters voted for an extremist party, a clear protest against the current head of state. He has an arrogant image and is far from the common man. The anger of these French people continues to burn. Here and there are already warnings of a yellow vest revival. This protest movement arose at the end of 2018 out of anger over a green tax on already expensive gasoline, Macron’s policy towards the rich and public discontent.

Marine Le Pen said in a speech shortly after the results were announced that she remained committed to France and France. She previously announced that she would not run for re-election for the Elysee. The foreman of the National Rally was a more serious candidate than he was five years ago, but not yet a la hauteur As the French say, “not good enough.”

This is not only because of her aversion to her extremist ideas in the field of immigration and integration – she wants to give French priority in the allocation of social housing, jobs and benefits. But also with the fact that some of her plans are simply useless. Giving priority to the French people is against the constitution and European rules. Because of these crumbling proposals, Le Pen still lacks credibility.

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