Online Transport – German police use ‘Go Pro’ to check if you are distracted in traffic

Sittensen – Last Monday, the German police began an inspection operation with the company “GoPro” with the aim of “dispersing traffic.”

Serious traffic accidents also occur repeatedly on German roads. Tragically, these accidents often end in death or result in serious injuries to the vehicle’s occupants.

One of the main causes of accidents is distraction during road traffic, whether that be through smartphones, tablets and other technical communication and entertainment devices, or distraction through general behavior not related to driving a car and/or truck.

While the presence of technology is constantly increasing, awareness of risks is significantly decreasing. The police are therefore increasingly focusing on dangerous behavior that is immediately underestimated and are trying to make road users aware of this source of danger.

In order to punish violations with evidence and also prevent false penalties, “GoPro” was introduced as a special tool. This camera is installed on the patrol car. This provides a better viewing angle in the truck cab.

If a violation is found, a video is now recorded, which can be used as evidence in the proceedings. The technology also makes it possible to watch the video recording on site. In many cases, simply mentioning the production of a video recording was found to be sufficient to elicit insightful information from those involved.

In addition to imposing fines, the main concern of officers is to increase road users’ awareness of the specific dangers caused by distraction in road traffic and thus contribute to road safety.

To date, more than 40 fine actions have been initiated as part of this audit. Many of them have been documented and punished using video recordings. Monitoring measures will continue until Sunday.

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