One of America’s Biggest Universities Teaches Students About Bitcoin

One of America’s Biggest Universities Teaches Students About Bitcoin

Texas A&M University, one of the largest universities in the US with 74,000 students, has started offering courses on Bitcoin. The exciting news was announced on January 13 by Korok Ray, a professor at the Texas A&M Business School.

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The Book of Jimmy Song

The idea is to follow Jimmy Chang’s book “Programming Bitcoin” with the class and build the entire protocol from the ground up with the students. The professor adds that getting permission from the university is not an easy task. It took months of hard work for him to finally get permission to take a course on Bitcoin.

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It’s special that a university now considers it important enough to include a course on Bitcoin in the curriculum. A few years ago, we would not have dared to dream that it is now a reality.

Not within a faculty focused on finance, but within a technical faculty. Through this course, students learn how Bitcoin works, and it may bring a lot of new developers to the protocol. Let’s hope they don’t get inspired for their own shitcoin.

Other Bitcoin Boxes

There are a few other universities doing something with Bitcoin, but right now it’s mainly about laws and regulations related to companies in the industry. As Bitcoin is still a relatively young asset, the laws and regulations have not yet fully crystallized.

Within these courses, students essentially learn how to help companies navigate through the uncertainty of the sector. The best thing about this new course at the University of Texas is that it really gets down to the content and wants to teach people about Bitcoin, not the fringe stuff.

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Ultimately, these are lessons that could take Bitcoin adoption to the next level, especially if it proves successful and more universities adopt it. It’s not surprising to see this industry now in Texas, since a large portion of the mining industry is located there as well.

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