Omroep Flevoland – News – Bart Jaspers Weiger has become the new mayor of Urk

Omroep Flevoland - News - Bart Jaspers Weiger has become the new mayor of Urk

Bart Jaspers Weiger (55 years old) has been nominated as the new mayor of Urk. The City Council decided this unanimously during an additional council meeting Monday evening. Jaspers Weiger currently serves as an alderman in the municipality of Ommen and before that in Staforst.

The Urk Secret Committee describes Jaspers Weiger as a friendly, committed conductor and sympathetic manager. It has an assistance network at the local, regional and national levels. The council members are convinced that Bart Jaspers Weiger will be the main character of Orc Vivid.

Sand bunny
Jaspers Weiger is a member of the Christian Union, lives in Rovinj and is the father of five adult children. The would-be mayor spoke to council members via video link after announcing his candidacy. Jaspers Weiger responded with emotional enthusiasm: “I become small when I hear what you say about me.”

However, he also immediately admitted that at first glance he did not immediately fit into the fishing village: “I’m a sand bunny, not a hunter,” he said, laughing. “But I like Urk. I like the culture a lot.”

There is no new wish list
During the search for a new mayor, an old sketch of his profile is uncovered. This was also used four years ago and eventually led to the installation of Cees van den Bos. At the end of last year, he suddenly announced that he wanted to leave Ork after three years.

Because this departure came so quickly, the secret committee, consisting of the leaders of the seven factions of the council, the municipal secretary, the clerk, and the Middlekoop councilor with an advisory role, found that the previous wish list was still valid.

The new mayor’s desire to stay in Urk for at least six years was discussed in detail with Jaspers Weiger, says secret committee head Jacob de Borst. He added: “He is also well aware that it is a matter of at least one presidential term, and given his age, several terms could also follow.”

A total of thirteen candidates have filed for mayor of the City of Urk. King’s Commissioner Arjen Gerritsen said earlier that it involved a woman and twelve men.

Youth, cooperation and organization
In the coming period, Jaspers Weiger will be able to focus on changes in youth policy and developments in nightlife in his new position. The new mayor will also have to focus on political cooperation with the province, the national government and other Flevoland municipalities. This concerns, for example, agreements relating to the reception of asylum seekers and the housing of residency holders.

The other file that the new mayor will be responsible for is municipal organization. Given Urk’s growth and ambitions, the civil service will also have to be modified.

Counselor Frik Brouwer knows Bart Jaspers Weiger personally and looks forward to having him come to Urk. They are both members of the Christian Union and ambassadors of the Aldermen’s Association, and therefore meet regularly. According to Brewer, Weiger has a fun personality and leaves a positive impression.

Final steps
The fact that Jaspers Weiger has been nominated does not automatically mean that he has already been appointed as the new mayor. The Municipal Council sends the recommendation for his appointment to the Ministry of Interior. Then another examination is conducted and the proposed candidate has an interview with the Minister.

Read also: These are the procedures for appointing a new mayor

If all goes well, the minister finally presents him to the king. The mayor appoints this person by royal decree. The aim is to pin Jaspers Faijer on October 2.

Jan Westmas has been acting mayor of Urk since 1 February. He will remain in office until the official inauguration of the new mayor.

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