Now classified documents have been found with former Vice President Pence

Now classified documents have been found with former Vice President Pence

France Press agency

NOS News

Secret documents were found in the Indiana home of former US Vice President Mike Pence. And the American media wrote that Pence himself reported the discovery.

It will be about ten pieces. Pence turned them over to the FBI.

The find was made by a lawyer hired by Pence specifically to search through several boxes of documents for potentially classified items. Pence did so because of recent discoveries of classified documents with former President Trump and President Biden, according to a letter from Pence’s attorney to the National Archives.

Nuclear secrets

Pence was Vice President under Donald Trump, whose FBI found about 300 classified files during the raids. The Ministry of Justice is investigating this case. may contain files Nuclear secrets.

In recent weeks, confidential documents have also surfaced in home and office From President Biden. In this case, it is not known exactly how many pieces are involved and what they consist of.

Under US law, the records of a president or vice president must be turned over to the US National Archives after their term in office. Both Biden and Pence immediately reported they had the pieces and turned them in.

Former President Trump opposed moving it to the archives. A search warrant is eventually required to enter Trump’s property.

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