The South Korean military announced on Monday that North Korea fired a ballistic missile towards the Sea of Japan. Shortly before that, North Korea launched a short-range missile.
The missile was launched from the Pyongyang area and flew about 1,000 kilometers before landing in the Sea of Japan, according to the military. This is what the South Korean news agency wrote Yonhap.
This is the fifth time in 2023 that North Korea has launched a long-range missile. This also happened in February, March, April and July.
The missile launches on Monday and Sunday came after a warning from South Korea and the United States. They warned that any nuclear attack by North Korea on the two countries would mean the end of the North Korean regime.
South Korea and the United States held talks Friday in Washington, D.C., on their joint nuclear strategy against North Korea.
The United Nations Security Council has banned all North Korean activities related to so-called ballistic missiles. But North Korea refers to the right to self-defense.
Wat is een ballistische raket?
Een ballistische raket wordt afgevuurd richting een vooraf bepaald doel en weggeschoten door een raketmotor. De vlucht wordt grotendeels bepaald door de zwaartekracht en wordt niet bijgestuurd door een motor. Zie het als een voetbal die je in de lucht schiet. Ballistische raketten worden vaak gebruikt voor militaire doeleinden.
“Infuriatingly humble social media buff. Twitter advocate. Writer. Internet nerd.”