Nokia announces likely ‘sustainable’ subscription to rental phones – tablets and phones – news

It’s a little out of the way but come on, again ;)

Of course there is always an exception somewhere, but I don’t know if this is really as good a deal as it sounds. I do not doubt the correctness of your calculations, but the calculation does not show the whole picture.

Let’s start with the basics. Do you really need a $999 phone? $750 is a lot cheaper than $999, but it’s still $450 more than what I paid for my phone that’s been around for 3 years. The latest games may not work well, but I don’t play them anyway. Everything else is running very smoothly.

I pay 100 euros a year for the hardware, you pay 375 euros a year.
If you have been using the phone for more than two years, it will be less, but the phone may also fall into the ditch tomorrow and you will have to buy a new one. It would take 5-10 years with your phone to make $100 a year and that wouldn’t save your battery and probably not your screen either.

I’m sure your phone is better, but my phone is good enough to do what I want. Maybe it’s not the latest game, but I don’t play it anyway.

Then the subscription, which is a little bigger than what you actually need. It doesn’t surprise me, that’s what they aim for when setting up such a subscription. Hopefully in 2 years you’ll remember to cancel in time because if you’re 3 months late, there probably won’t be much left of your cheap deal.

As I see it, I’m convinced to issue a subscription that’s too big for a (very) expensive phone. You may have gotten a lot more money for your money, but the bottom line is that you spent more money than was necessary to solve your “problem”.

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Maybe you will be using this phone for a long time or your requirements are much higher than mine but if we only look at the money you have already spent quite a bit of money. In the future it will not be less, but maybe more (eg for a new battery).

The seller whose goal was to sell an expensive phone has now succeeded. In three years this seller will be working elsewhere and won’t be a concern whether or not you buy a new phone or at what price. But now the money is there.

[Reactie gewijzigd door CAPSLOCK2000 op 10 augustus 2022 12:52]

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