Nintendo files lawsuit against makers of Switch Yuzu emulator for facilitating piracy – Games – News

The same package of Arla Organic Buttermilk costs $1.59, and $1.51 at Dirk and Hoogvliet.
Or the same 10-piece box of Ariel pods at 6.19 per ounce and 5.59 per dime.

Well, if the fool keeps pretending, AH keeps these prices so high, I don’t see myself ever going after AH (or Jumbo).
– A box of spreadable Aero cheese, for example, 200 grams, is priced at 2.65 Ah, and in Dirk you will find it at a price of 2.39.
– Peanut butter jar with calf pieces: Ah 4.65, with Dirk’s 4.09 only about 60 cents difference (Hoogfleet also 4.09).

Now you don’t have to have a brand name for everything, but I assume the prices for purchasing those things will be exactly the same.
Ah they are literally more expensive in every way (and not cheap at all, not even with Bonus perse), even with house brands, sometimes compared to Dirk’s, for example (jar of peas, etc. different things).
Of course you have to be lucky to have a Dirk, Hoogvliet or something similar in the area, because yes, AH, jumbo can generally be found in every residential area/street corner.

Yes, Nintendo games often remain expensive for a long time, but you should always buy everything for the full amount.
I did the same thing, for example, with Spiderman on PS4, and bought it half a year later for 15 or 20 euros from a drug addict (it came for free with his PS4 and he didn’t want to play it anyway). While it can be bought new for 50 or 60 euros without DLC, I think.
Then, I bought a season pass for 20 euros for all the DLC, and got the full game for 35 or 40 euros (instead of 60 euros or more if you want the DLC as well).

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[Reactie gewijzigd door Carlos0_0 op 28 februari 2024 09:45]

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