Nina Ansari Attacks Central Bank in America

Nina Ansari Attacks Central Bank in America

Willemstad – Nina Ansari has filed a lawsuit in the United States against the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten. It would have been violated by expropriating its property.

in her complaint On January 17, Hushang Ansari’s daughter signed the 1956 Treaty of Amity, Trade, and Shipping between the United States and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Ansari is seeking at least $110 million in damages because the central bank has repeatedly breached the amity agreement regarding its minority interests in Burman International BV, which includes Ennia.

Nina Ansari claims to own 15.9 per cent stake in Burman along with other American shareholders, including her father Hushang Ansari.

Emergency regulation

According to the complaint, in July 2018, the central bank obtained emergency authorization from Curacao courts to take over Burman’s insurance business based on Ennia’s non-compliance with legal requirements regarding capital. The acquisition aims to restructure these operations, particularly by recovering part of the group’s assets in the US.

Yet, Ansari argues, the central bank has so far refused to implement the scheme and has not returned restructured companies to their shareholders, preferring to hold assets for years.

Nina Ansari argues that shareholders have long been left in the dark about the fate of assets and have only recently learned that most of the assets have long since been liquidated – and thus may have been repossessed.

In this case, Ansari says, the objective of the central bank is to misuse the assets for its own economic and political purposes.

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The assets included shares of Banco di Caribe, which were sold at a low price to a local businessman who Ansari says has ties to the central bank director.

These properties include Mullet Bay in Sint Maarten, which local politicians are trying to “give back to the people” – according to testimony from a special investigative committee set up by parliament in Philipsburg – Ansari says. Current Management of the Central Bank.

Nina Ansari estimates the loss from these events at no less than $110 million.

According to the complaint, the Fed’s conduct qualifies as an expropriation in violation of customary international law providing for a legal action under US common law.

For Nina Ansari, her 15.9% stake in Burman was expropriated because the group’s assets were fully controlled by the central bank. He says expropriation is not in public interest and no compensation is awarded.

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