National Geographic 2022 Photo Contest Winners! | National Geographic

National Geographic 2022 Photo Contest Winners!  |  National Geographic

National Geographic Photo Contest Awards Ceremony

This year, we’ve noticed by the number of entries that the National Geographic Photo Contest has become an attractive event. From the large number of entries, 45 finalists were shortlisted, divided into three categories: Human, Animal, and Landscape. There were three categories to compete for the grand prize: Publication in National Geographic magazine; The final verdict was carried out, as is the case every year, by a professional jury, consisting of: Robert Fermo, Jan Dirk van der Burg, Sascha de Boer and Liev Blanqueart.

Moment of Truth: Who are the winners of the 2022 National Geographic Photo Contest? You can see all of the jury award winning photos for each category below.

click here To watch the winners announcement at 5:00 pm today.

The “Overall” Winner of the National Geographic Photo Contest 2022!

Tijmen Berens: Winner of the National Geographic Photo Competition 2022 with expert jury member Jan Dirk van der Burg.

photo from photography National Geographic team

More on the winning photo: Human and animal collision

At the Avolare Wildlife Sanctuary in Doorweth, infected wild animals are treated and then released as quickly as possible. In the photo, the wings of a crow are checked for fractures. “You don’t see it, but you know that with a doctor trying to save him, the crow looks suspicious. It makes the picture sexy, and the picture is so sexy, it looks so grumpy and you experience the drama. He told the jury.” He subtly tells an even bigger story: a story of weakness Birds and our relationship with nature.

Prize-winning animal jury picture

Collision between humans and animals.

photo from photography thymine berens

Winning a Photo Jury Prize in the Landscape Category

Winner of the Picture Jury Prize in the Human Category

Belgium flood disaster 2021.

photo from photography Wendy Litten

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