NASA captures the largest solar flare in recent years

NASA captures the largest solar flare in recent years
The eruption was captured by a NASA probe

Noos News

NASA’s telescope captured the largest solar flare in recent years. This is the largest solar eruption recorded since September 2017. Communications on Earth were also affected.

According to US Space Agency experts, the eruption occurred in the northwestern part of the Sun, about 150 million kilometers from Earth. The solar flare was in intense ultraviolet light registered By NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory space probe, which continuously monitors the Sun.

Several pilots noticed communication problems yesterday, the US Space Weather Prediction Center reported. Experts will continue to monitor the area where the solar flare occurred in the near future.

Communication problems

The solar flare measured yesterday was in the X2.8 category. In 2003, a solar flare was recorded that was so powerful that sensors could not handle it. An X-class solar flare, the highest ever recorded, could have consequences on Earth.

Intense solar flares can cause problems with radio communications, power grids, and navigation systems. Solar flares can also pose a danger to space probes, satellites, and astronauts.

Solar cycle

The Sun is approaching the peak of the so-called “solar cycle”, which on average lasts more than eleven years. This period reaches its peak in 2025. The closer we get to that peak, the more solar flares will increase.

The most powerful solar flares are the most powerful explosions found in the solar system. According to NASA, its vision is “remarkable.”

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