Moroccan hostages in Myanmar released after months

Moroccan hostages in Myanmar released after months

June 23, 2024 – 2:40 pm – Morocco


The three men left the camps in Myanmar, the father of one of them confirmed to SNRTnews. The man’s 25-year-old son had been held by hostage takers for three months, but was not subjected to any serious physical assault other than “a few electric shocks”. According to the father, his son was obedient and followed all the instructions of his kidnappers.

Read also: Tortured Moroccans in Burma: Painful testimony from the victim (video)

The release came after long negotiations with armed groups, led by Burmese and Thai organizations. “Officials have worked hard to free these young men and are now working to release other hostages. Intervention is difficult because the border area is under the control of rebels and armed soldiers. This requires the intervention of generals and international organizations to mediate.” said the father of the released man.

The father also praised the decisive role played by the Moroccan Consulate in Thailand, which “continued to monitor his son’s situation until his return to Marrakesh.” He said that his son “stayed in hotels in the Thai capital for about a month” after his release.

Read also: Moroccans held hostage in Thailand, but also in Laos and Cambodia

Like the other victims, the young man was approached by an intermediary from a criminal organization and offered him an attractive job in e-commerce. The man then traveled to Thailand via Malaysia with “13 others, four of whom have already been released,” the father said. “When he left, 25 others were supposed to join them, but we were able to prevent that…” The father of the released person confirmed that he had submitted a report to the Moroccan judiciary and handed him all the information he had. To investigators to dismantle the organization whose intermediaries continue to recruit in Morocco.

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